Bryan's slogan is "A Great Place to Live". And I would have to agree with that. I really do think it is pretty great. We are becoming members of the church we have been going to on Sunday, so that is exciting, and have been learning our way around town.
One day, I got lost for 30 minutes. I'm not even kidding.
Here is a look into our lovely apartment. Enjoy!
This is the view from the front door of our living room.
We have a lot of books... and a very small TV we bought especially for the VHS player. That's right, I said it, the VHS player. Oh yeah, be jealous.
Our fun little vintage, 1960s Neiman Marcus mannequin from Miranda-the-Great, currently sporting my rehearsal dinner dress.
A view of our dining room from the living room. Looks a little messy right now... that's because it is.
Another view from of our dining room. Those are awesome built-in shelves! I have one shelf just for all my cookbooks. Glorious. And yes, that is the book Music Teacher from the Black Lagoon. : )
We also need 3 shelves to house all our board games.... we love board games. You should come over and play with us sometime. The Life, Risk, Careers, and Monopoly that is at the very bottom are from my Mama Kay's house. They are from the 60s and I love them. If you have never played Careers, you need to get over here! It's one of Mike and I's favorite!
Our kitchen that is small, yet still MUCH bigger than our last one! (If you can believe it!)
More kitchen. That door leads out to a patio we have. It would be nice to go out there, but I don't like sitting in 110 degree weather...
Our guest room. The most 'unfinished' of all the rooms.

Mike's Star Wars shrine, uh, I mean collection, yes there we go, resides in the guest room. : )

Guest bath. (I think it looks better than our own master bathroom!)
And our room. Very plain right now. We still need very much so to print wedding pictures out and hang them on the walls. I have a feeling though that won't happen until Christmas Break.
Anyway, so that's our place! You are invited over anytime!!
im over there right now!!! :D