So much has happened in these last couple of months!
Mike and I have moved from Denton to Bryan...

We left SUPER early in the morning and our u-haul was packed. (in case you can't tell)
Rob helped us pack up some stuff.
Well... sort of.
I'm sure our downstairs neighbors appreciated that.
We have moved from our tee-niny 1 bedroom apartment to a glorious 2 bedroom, 2 bath apartment which to us, feels like a mansion. (pictures of that to come!)
And me unpacking what I love. (by the way, thanks mama!)
So have moved to a new place and it has been great. I am 0.9 miles away from my amazing new job (more pictures of that to come as well)

Mrs. "Nice" for 'Meet the Teacher' night!
We have found a great church that we have already been helping out with at the youth group, and best of all, Mike isn't working at Wal-Mart anymore!!! :) The Lord totally provided a part-time job at Hasting's 3 days after we moved here.
He works hard to put those books away in the right place!
We also took a short trip to Galveston, my second time, and Mike's first. He wasn't very impressed, but he's used to west coast ocean water... and doesn't really like the beach anyway (I know, crazy right?), but he was a good sport. :)
I just love being in the water... even if at times it did feel like a hot tub.
And Ethan was just the cutest little thing, braving the water and sand. He would just crawl, going straight for the water, and no one could stop him... Well, we did stop him, but he had that look on his face like no one could. :)
And I have officially finished my first week as the music teacher at Johnson Elementary!!

This is me on my first day. Well, after my first day was over.
This weekend is Mike's "birthday weekend" as he keeps reminding me. Especially when we play games and he want to re-roll to get a better move or something.
Mike's Aunt Laura was doing some work here in Texas, so she was able to come and see us! We enjoyed a great early birthday dinner for Mike at Murphy's Law in downtown Bryan.
So good to see her!
We look like it's Christmas time!
Ok, now, I don't even really like chocolate. Crazy I know, but I just don't really like it by itself. I like it when it's with something, like peanut butter, or strawberries, or milk. But I have to say this chocolate cake was amazing. And this piece was even bigger before Mike started eating it! We came back again to Murphy's Law the next day and got another piece of cake. :)
And because it is Mike's "birthday weekend", Sam came and stayed with us. So nice that we have an extra room!
So these last couple of months have been really great. The Lord has blessed us beyond what we expected and continues to do so. You are invited to come over and stay with us anytime. :)
Happily Settled,
Glad to hear that things are going well!! Love the pictures! -Rita