(Seriously, if you live in Denton, and have never eaten the fries at Hannah's, it's a MUST. They don't even call them fries, they are called something super fancy in French... and trust me, ketchup would be the biggest insult to these fries. They are fried in truffle oil, I'm pretty sure they put some garlic on them, fresh cut chives, freshly shredded parmesean cheese, and salt and pepper. SO GOOD!!!!!)
Ok, so enough about the fries, you don't really care about the fries! Although you should. Anyway... and then we were going to make our way over to eat some wings... because I am in love with wings now. And for desert some Beth Marie's ice cream. After dinner, we were going to read through some old letters we had written each other over the years while Mike was still in California.
We didn't make it really past the board game.
So, we are playing the game, and if you get a 'dare' card, you have to do whatever the other person dares you to do, or you lose the game. Now, Mike and I are very competitive, so for us to do something silly to keep us in the game is not that rare of a thing. So after about 15 minutes or so of playing the game, I get a dare card. It actually wasn't a dare, but Mike had to get me out of the house somehow! So he dared me to go outside and sing at the top of my lungs.
So of course I say I will because I don't want to lose the game. I walk outside and Mike points out the change that is on the ground.
Let me just say for those of you who don't know, I love finding change on the ground. Even if it's just a penny, I get so excited over it. (For our 1 year he surprised me with a pile of change on the ground that I naively thought someone actually dropped on the ground!) I mean, if you find a dime on the ground, that's worth at least 2 copies in the union, and if you save what you find, you will be able to make more copies. Just think about it.
So I then realized that the change made a trail around the side of his house. Ooooooooohhh I asked if I needed to follow the trail, and he said 'yes'. So I followed the trail, which led back to his drive way which was blocked off with a white sheet and covered with Christmas lights.

And on the ground, spelled out with more than 3,000 coins and in over $150 of change, was the big question: Will you marry me?

AAAH! Freak out moment! My first thought was: "is this real????" I think I said that about 4 times before he got down on one knee and asked me to marry him.

YES!!!! I have never been so sure of something in my entire life. And after dating for 3 1/2 years, being so far apart, waiting patiently on the Lord, it was real.

The Lord is SO good and SO faithful. I now have a wonderful fiance, and cannot think of anyone I would rather spend the rest of my life with.
We only made it to Hannah's... and I could only eat 1 fry. :)
Happily engaged,
ps Thank you Michelle for taking pictures and Natalie, Sam, Rob, and Corey for helping with the coins and blasting Batman in your living room so I wouldn't hear what was going on outside!

Oh, and of course, here's a picture of the ring! Handmade by a girl in New York, the band looks like a branch.
I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me and I in him, he bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing. John 15:5