Saturday, January 2, 2016

Hello Third Trimester!

3 months.

3 months until this little one is no longer kicking and punching my stomach, but being held in our arms.

I cannot fathom this. I mean, I have a niece and nephew that I have just adored before they were even born and loved holding their little bodies close to me as they looked so perfect sleeping in my arms.

But to have one of my own...
Our first doctors appointment! Yep, she was there, all 1 centimeter of her and a perfect lil' heartbeat!!

Say whaaaaaa??!

I know, I know. It's something that no parenting book or amount of advice from others can really prepare you for, and this little girl will change our lives forever, and for the better. And I do believe that. It's just so hard to wrap my mind around still!


Back when I thought my bump was "sooo big!" haha!

I've had such a wonderful pregnancy thus far and feel so blessed to have such a sweet, loving man by my side throughout this first part of our journey to being parents. He is going to be the best dad. He already loves her so much. It's beautiful.

All 3 of us completed the BCS Half Marathon in December. Mike was such a good encourager!

I have all these hopes for Guinevere and her life. I hope that she has good friends, that she is kind and compassionate, and enjoys learning. I hope that she has a good relationship with us as her parents, and feels like she can come to us with anything.

My birthday, the day we found out she was a girl! What a beautiful gift! 

But far above all those things, I hope that she grows to love Jesus Christ as her Savior. I hope and pray that she comes to know the One who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. And that she sees her value and worth by what He sees of her, not the world.

As King David prayed this over Solomon his son, I pray the same for Guinevere Jade-

"... know the God of your father and serve Him with a whole heart and with a willing mind, for the Lord searches all hearts and understands every plan and thought. If you seek Him, He will be found by you..." 1 Chronicles 28:9a

These next 3 months will fly by. And I hope that through the waiting and pain and joy and tears of it all, I can be in the moment and be thankful in all things, for this is God's will for us in Christ Jesus. (1 Thessalonians 5:18)


eagerly waiting,