Thursday, March 22, 2012

Parents for a week

I've already been back at work for a week since Spring Break, but I just wanted to share some photos of Mike and I's adventure of being parents for a week.

-we were babysitting our niece and nephew/house-sitting :)

It was quite an adventure!

Eva and I made monkey bread! My first time making it AND ever eating it. VERY sweet I must say...

They really wanted that monkey bread!

Just being cute lil' goofballs!

We went out to eat every night which was a little splurge. :) The first night out I was very self conscious... like everyone knew we weren't really parents and could see right through us. Then Ethan would start crying and I didn't know what to do. (We got over both of those things quickly!)

(Ethan's infamous face)

We went to the park and played.

Slippin' and a slidin'

"Hey! Anybody gonna play with me?"

Swinging around.

One happy family! :)

We also went to a missions fundraiser our church was having that involved horses. Barrel racing and stuff... I have no idea. But anyway, it was something to entertain them with!

I knew Eva would love the horses.

Ethan was a little scared, but he was brave and gave it a pat!

Just put a cracker in front of him and he's happy.

All in all, it was a learning experience and I still love those kiddos!!!

Happily without kids (for now),
lisa & mike